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Best sleep of your life or your money back. Try the Endy Mattress for 100 nights, risk-free!

December 28, 2023

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5 Healthy Sleep Habits for the New Year

By Kate Oyston
While we’re winding down 2023, slowly parting ways with our seasonal decorations, eating our way through holiday dinner leftovers, and generally resting up following a busy month, we’re also beginning to look ahead to the New Year. January 1st presents new opportunities to refocus on personal goals and set intentions for the year ahead, so if you’re looking to pick up some new healthy sleep habits, read on for inspiration:

1. Go for a walk at the start of each day

During these dreary winter months, when the days are short and sunlight feels all too scarce, it can be hard to catch those rays. Make sure you’re getting your Vitamin D each morning by starting your day off with a walk, even if it’s just a quick stroll around the block. Taking in some sunshine and fresh air is not only a great note to start your day on, but it also supports your circadian rhythm (your body’s internal clock) by indicating to your body that it’s time to boost your energy levels. Getting that boost early in the day will also help your body understand when it’s time to lower your energy levels in the evening, as you’re heading for bed.

2. Prioritize quality sleep

If there’s one aspect of your wellness you’ve been snoozing on, chances are it’s your sleep. When you’re feeling stretched for time or overbooked, sacrificing sleep can seem like a quick fix to add some more hours to your day. Sleep is essential for both your mental and physical health, so make 2024 the year you prioritize yours. Start with investing in a quality mattress, like the Endy Mattress, which offers medium-firm support for a restful slumber. It’ll be easy to get your eight hours a night when you can’t wait to crawl into your new bed!A couple sitting up on their Endy Mattress

3. Reduce your screen time at night

Although scrolling through TikTok might seem like the perfect way to wind down your day, engaging in screen time in the evening can interfere with your body’s instinct to produce melatonin, the hormone that helps you fall asleep. Try to switch off your electronic devices at least an hour before you plan on hitting the hay, and consider reading a book, meditating, or taking a bath instead to help you relax.

4. Make your bed every morning

While you probably hated being nagged to do this as a kid, your parents actually might have been onto something. Accomplishing this small task each morning starts your day off with a win, and let’s face it, it’s worth it when you can crawl into a freshly made bed each night. Take it one step further with Endy’s Organic Cotton Sheets, which are breathable and crisp for that hotel-bed feel.Alt text: Woman fits pillowcase onto an Endy Customizable Pillow


5. Find a sustainable fitness routine

We know signing up for a gym membership is a fan favourite New Year’s resolution, but before you reach for those dumbbells, consider what type of fitness you truly enjoy. Are you actually a gym rat, or do you prefer to be outdoors? Does lifting weights fuel your passion, or are you more energized playing team sports? You’re more likely to stick to a fitness routine past January if it’s one you genuinely like doing, so this year, instead of marching into the local gym, find an exercise groove that feels fun and sustainable. (Plus, moving your body during the day will help you sleep better at night!)
As the calendar resets and thoughts of figgy pudding shift to notions of New Year’s resolutions, embarking on new healthy sleep habits can set the tone for the months to come. Make 2024 your healthiest and most well-rested year yet!

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